This past weekend I dove headfirst into the world of miniature gardening. I had tons of fun creating this little garden world. Before starting, it’s a good idea to decide on your “theme” and have an idea of what plants you want to use. Or, you can be like me and spend 1 1/2 hours outside in the cold, looking for the perfect plants to fit my selected container!
It seems like the best choices are specimen plants in the bonsai section, such as the rosemary “tree” used as the focal point. These plants have already been groomed to stay small and have a lot of character.
The two plants in the front of the container are also bonsai, Cotula hispida. This was the first I’d heard or seen of this this plant, and I was thrilled to make a new plant acquaintance. 🙂 I love the soft silvery leaves which invite stroking.
Behind the Cotula are Baby’s Tears, (Soleirolia soleirolii). This plant has the habit of creeping, and will spill over the sides for a neat effect. On either side of the rosemary plant are Crassula punctulata, a cool little succulent plant. The colorful plants along the back are another succulent, Sedum spurium ‘Tricolor.’ All of the plants in this miniature garden take full sun and regular water, although the succulents and Cotula can withstand drier soil.
I’m excited to watch the garden as it grows. You can see it in person at the San Francisco Flower and Garden show at my booth (#1148) from March 21st-25th in just a few short weeks!
Special thanks to my friend Holly Guenther who helped with the layout and inspiration of the garden. Please check out her site Kimchi Kawaii on Facebook!