
Flowering quince (Chaenomeles species) is a gem for any garden. It’s one of the first shrubs to bloom each year and can really add a splash of needed color to your garden. Flower color can be white, pink, orange or red and some varieties have double blooms. Flowering quince is a compact and tough shrub. Some are thornless and others have thorns. Both make great hedges, and the types with thorns also make great barrier plants.

If you have a flowering quince in your landscape, you can learn how to prune it by reading my Pruning Trees and Shrubs article for more detailed information.

USDA Zones: 5-8′
Height: 3-10′
Width: 3-10′
Sun/Shade: Full Sun
Water Requirements: Moderate to regular water.
Pruning: Prune for shape after flowering, major pruning in dormant season.

