Hello everyone, I took a break from my blog about two years ago. I just wasn’t feeling inspired to write. Sometimes a hiatus is a good thing, as I suddenly feel the creative juices flowing again. Lately the fall color is really making me smile, and I have some gardening opinions and ideas that I feel are worth sharing so I thought I’d write and let you know.
If you are new to this blog, you might not know the history of how it got its name. My mom grew up reading the Anne of Green Gables books. When I was about eight years old, she started reading the story to me, and one day revealed that although my grandmother’s name was Antoinette, I was actually named after “Anne with an ‘e.’
In junior college, I discovered I could make a career of knowing about plants, so I studied horticulture. I wanted to write about plants, so back in 2008, I decided to start a blog, but couldn’t decide what to call it. Luckily my friend, Holly Guenther, who runs Kimchi Kawaii came up with the title of Anne of Green Gardens. It just so happens that she is very good at wordplay and puns. See more at kimchikawaii.com
I hope this post finds you well, and remember,
If you haven’t killed a plant, you aren’t trying hard enough.