Tag: fungus

Powdery Mildew

What is Powdery Mildew? Powdery mildew is a white, powdery-like fungus that sometimes resembles bird droppings. The fungus is composed of tiny white spores that you can see with an eye loupe or a microscope. This unsightly fungus seldom kills plants, but can weaken them and leave them open to new infection by other diseases or by […]

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Apricot Tree PruningEutypa Dieback


Apricot trees are the one deciduous* fruit tree that should not be pruned during winter after leaves drop. Apricot trees pruned in winter are susceptible to a disease called Eutypa dieback. The fungus enters the pruning wounds and infects the tree. The symptoms of Eutypa show up in late spring or summer. Trees ooze sap […]

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