Tag: pesticides

What is Organic Gardening?Pesticides Series

What does organic gardening mean? Does it mean what you think it means? Take this quiz and find out! Question-organically grown produce is grown: 1. without the use of any pesticides 2. with only home made pesticides 3. using organically acceptable pesticides. Answer-believe it or not, the correct response is number 3! Organic farmers use […]

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Marijuana, Cannabis and Prop 64 in California


Marijuana was on the ballot this year in California. Voters decided to pass Proposition 64- what does this mean? Starting in January, the law allows adults over age 21 to use marijuana recreationally. It also means people can grow 6 pot plants in their home for personal use. Smoking pot while driving and in public […]

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Anne’s Top 7 Gardening Tips

Annes 7 Tips-Anne-of-Green-Gardens

These 7 tips are helpful ideas I’ve learned during my lifetime of gardening.  There are many more I could have written but 7 is such a good number I decided to stick with it. Feel free to post your tips below! Tip #1 Everybody makes mistakes! All of the gardeners you know and admire (even […]

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