Tag: pests

What is Organic Gardening?Pesticides Series

What does organic gardening mean? Does it mean what you think it means? Take this quiz and find out! Question-organically grown produce is grown: 1. without the use of any pesticides 2. with only home made pesticides 3. using organically acceptable pesticides. Answer-believe it or not, the correct response is number 3! Organic farmers use […]

Finish reading: What is Organic Gardening?Pesticides Series

Living Landscape: Design for Beauty & BiodiversityGarden Book Review


Have you heard the term,“ The Living Landscape?” According to authors Rick Darke and Doug Tallamy, it means that no garden is an island. These two gardening experts encourage gardeners to create a sanctuary for bees, butterflies, birds and other living creatures. As the world becomes more populated with people, there are less places for […]

Finish reading: Living Landscape: Design for Beauty & BiodiversityGarden Book Review

Anne’s Top 7 Gardening Tips

Annes 7 Tips-Anne-of-Green-Gardens

These 7 tips are helpful ideas I’ve learned during my lifetime of gardening.  There are many more I could have written but 7 is such a good number I decided to stick with it. Feel free to post your tips below! Tip #1 Everybody makes mistakes! All of the gardeners you know and admire (even […]

Finish reading: Anne’s Top 7 Gardening Tips