Tag: planting

Summertime-Plant Colorful Carrots!Vegetables


Plant colorful carrot seeds now and harvest amazing tasting carrots this fall! You won’t believe how sweet they are compared to any other carrot you’ve ever tried. Look for colorful carrot seeds from Renee’s Garden or Botanical Interests. Colorful Carrot Varieties When you shop for seeds, you’ll see there are so many different colorful carrots […]

Finish reading: Summertime-Plant Colorful Carrots!Vegetables

Seeds to Plant in FallStarting a Garden

packet of Renees garden brand carrot seeds Finish reading: Seeds to Plant in FallStarting a Garden

Fall Color: It’s not just for New England!

Fall is the most wonderful time of the year (in my humble opinion). Every year the colors are a little bit different. Read read about the how’s and why’s of fall color in blog Plant Trees in Fall! Now is a great time to plant trees and shrubs that produce gorgeous fall colors.  My website […]

Finish reading: Fall Color: It’s not just for New England!