Tag: seasons

Poinsettia CareHouseplants

poinsettias care houseplant Anne of Green Gardens

Poinsettia care is easy! This lovely holiday plant is a joy to have around the house and comes in so many pretty colors. If you’re wondering where poinsettias came from, (a holiday tradition in the U.S. in the 1920’s) you can read more at Poinsettias: A History. Poinsettia Care After purchase, take your plant home […]

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Flowering Tree: Western Redbud

redbud trees Anne of Green Gardens

Western Redbud (Cercis occidentalis) is a flowering tree tree for all seasons. In late winter/spring (depending on your climate) it produces small clusters of purplish-pink blooms on bare branches, followed by flat, bean-like seedpods. As the flowers fade, attractive, heart-shaped leaves begin to open. In autumn, leaves provide fall color, and the bean pods remain […]

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Fall Color: Liquidambar or Sweet GumFall Color Trees


Liquidambar or Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) is my top pick for fall color in the category of tall trees. It’s definitely a show-stopper! When I was a kid, our house had two large Liquidambar trees in our front yard. I loved watching the green leaves change color each year. In mild winter years the leaves […]

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Fall Color

Every year in fall something magical happens. Green trees that were unnoticeable before begin to draw the eye. The leaves transform into bursts of beautiful colors like gold, orange, red and purple. How does this transformation happen? Well, let’s talk a bit about photosynthesis first. What exactly IS it? To get idea of what goes […]

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