Tag: slugs

Roly Polys, Rollie Pollies and Pillbugs, oh my!

Thanks to two facebook friends for their bug questions that inspired this post! Robyn Grace Jennings:  Rollie pollies are eating all my plants and I’m a totally organic gardener. What do I do Anne? :'( Anne of Green Gardens: Robyn, before taking action, let’s do a little detective work. Rollie pollies love moisture, so they are […]

Finish reading: Roly Polys, Rollie Pollies and Pillbugs, oh my!

Build Yer Own Beer Snail Trap


Want to get rid of snails in your yard? Have some spare beer in your fridge?  Make a snail trap! I decided to do this myself when we had a large infestation of snails that were eating up our garden. Each morning I saw snail trails all over the sidewalk and on some of the plants, many […]

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