Tag: summer weeds

Fall Vegetable Gardening: Start Planning NOW!

Summer is nearly over, or at least according to the calendar is it. I’m looking forward to cooler weather, how ’bout you? My garden is scraggly and I’m ready to yank out everything. The tomatoes are sprawled all over, aphids are still a problem,and the crabgrass and spurge out of control. It’s time for a […]

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Sacred Hallucinogenic Plant: DaturaPlant Profiles


Growing up, my “playground” was a huge yard with fruit trees, seasonal veggies and plenty of empty space. It also housed an abundance of weeds and wildflowers. Every summer, one flower in particular would catch my attention. It had large, fragrant white flowers and low growing light green foliage. This “moonflower” (as I called it) […]

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Purge that Spurge!

What starts off resembling an innocuous weed can quickly become an unwanted, low-growing ground cover. Summer rain + warm weather =very happy spurge plants! In a matter of a few weeks, this weed can easily take over your garden. Spurge is a summer annual, but in warm climates it can sprout as early as February […]

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