Tag: vegetables (page 1 of 2)

October-Plant Fall Flowers & Vegetables!

It’s October and time to get planting! It’s too late to plant some flowers from seed in USDA Zone 9, with a few exceptions. Sweet peas can be planted now until January.  They are one of my favorite flowers and have an amazing scent. To speed up sprouting, soak sweet peas for 24 hours before you […]

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Summertime-Plant Colorful Carrots!Vegetables


Plant colorful carrot seeds now and harvest amazing tasting carrots this fall! You won’t believe how sweet they are compared to any other carrot you’ve ever tried. Look for colorful carrot seeds from Renee’s Garden or Botanical Interests. Colorful Carrot Varieties When you shop for seeds, you’ll see there are so many different colorful carrots […]

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Container Gardening Post #4

After being sprayed with horticultural soap, some of my container gardening plants began to grow again and turn green. I killed the spider mites although I did have to make two applications, one week apart. Unfortunately, the beans did not recover from the spider mite destruction and died. Their leaves turned yellow, paper thin and […]

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Container Gardening Post #2

Not long after planting vegetables, herbs and melons into my CedarCraft elevated garden planter and eclectic assortment of other containers, the weather turned cool. The plants seemed to be suspended in time, not growing at all. I peered at the plants everyday, and one day noticed that many of the leaves on food plants had […]

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Container Gardening Post #1

Container gardening is not something I thought I would end up doing. Growing up I’d always had a plot of land to grow food and flowers. This continued through my adult life until recently when I moved to a new town and rented an apartment. So far I haven’t found anywhere to live that has […]

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How to Plant “Irish” Potatoes

colorful potatoes Anne of Green Gardens

Hands down, “Irish” potatoes are THE most fun to grow of all vegetables. Not only are they easy to grow, harvesting is like digging for buried treasure. Kids and adults alike go crazy when digging them up. At some point you may need to take the shovel away before they dig up your entire garden! […]

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Square Foot Gardening: Part III


According to Mel, a square foot garden is NOT a square foot garden without a “grid.” Don’t forget to add this important part, which is really easy to make out of yardsticks, venetian blind slats, string, twine or wood slat material from a hardware store. You’ll need a total of 6, 4′ pieces of the […]

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Square Foot Gardening Part II

After the box is built, it’s time to add the soil. Mel came up with a “mix” for the box that is a combination of peat moss, vermiculite and compost. In my opinion, Mel’s Mix is needed only when gardening on top of cement, lawn or a table (in this case drill holes in the […]

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Square Foot Gardening Part I

Square foot gardening has been around since 1975 when retired engineer Mel Bartholomew decided to take up gardening. His experience began at a community garden, where he met new people and planted veggies, herbs and flowers in his plot. Not long after, he and his fellow gardeners were commiserating and complaining about weeding, thinning, and […]

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Although expensive at the store, artichokes are quite easy to grow if you live in the right zone. In zones 8-9, artichokes grow year round, become dormant in the winter, and then return in spring. In other zones, artichokes must be grown as an annual. Check at a local nursery to see if they are […]

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