Tag: winter gardening

Summertime-Plant Colorful Carrots!Vegetables


Plant colorful carrot seeds now and harvest amazing tasting carrots this fall! You won’t believe how sweet they are compared to any other carrot you’ve ever tried. Look for colorful carrot seeds from Renee’s Garden or Botanical Interests. Colorful Carrot Varieties When you shop for seeds, you’ll see there are so many different colorful carrots […]

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How to Plant “Irish” Potatoes

colorful potatoes Anne of Green Gardens

Hands down, “Irish” potatoes are THE most fun to grow of all vegetables. Not only are they easy to grow, harvesting is like digging for buried treasure. Kids and adults alike go crazy when digging them up. At some point you may need to take the shovel away before they dig up your entire garden! […]

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Apartment Gardening in 4 Square Feet (in Winter)


I’ve written 3 posts about square foot gardening, the most I’ve written about any topic, but was compelled to add yet another! I have to be honest, I’m quite skeptical of the chapter on gardening on pavement. I can’t help it. There is so little soil involved, and my gardening mind cannot wrap itself around […]

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Although expensive at the store, artichokes are quite easy to grow if you live in the right zone. In zones 8-9, artichokes grow year round, become dormant in the winter, and then return in spring. In other zones, artichokes must be grown as an annual. Check at a local nursery to see if they are […]

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Potatoes: A HistoryIrish potato famine and more

russett potatoes

Potatoes are definitely a favorite vegetable with Americans. Baked, broiled, fried, home fries, mashed, hash browns…did I miss any? This popular vegetable is originally from the Peruvian Andes in South America where thousands of varieties can be found. The potato didn’t arrive in Ireland until the 1600’s. Potatoes were easy to grow and fed a […]

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