Indoor Gardening
Research shows that having plants indoors can help you be healthy. Learn how to care for houseplants, terrariums and cut flowers.

Cut Flowers
Cut flowers are a cheerful addition to a home or office. Many flowers are easy to grow and can last for over a week in a vase. Although most flowers can be cut and put in a vase, not many last for very long. There are specific varieties of flowering plants that make the best cut flowers.

Houseplants are a great way to add color to your home or workspace. According to Texas A&M University, having plants around helps reduce tension levels and increases memory. This article lists easy-care houseplants for beginners.

A terrarium is a world in or under glass. Did you know that humans can benefit from being near plants? According to Texas A&M University*, having plants indoors helps increase memory and task accuracy. They also found that plants provide a calming influence that reduces stress and tension levels. A terrarium is a nice way to bring plants into your home or office.