Tag: pruning

Winter Gardening

Frosted leaves winter Anne of Green-Gardens

In the gardening world, winter is  not the most exciting time of year. In many places, snow covers the ground and gardeners stay indoors and dream about spring. However, in USDA zones 9 and higher, some plants are blooming and some trees have not lost their leaves. There is still work to be done in the […]

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Apricot Tree PruningEutypa Dieback


Apricot trees are the one deciduous* fruit tree that should not be pruned during winter after leaves drop. Apricot trees pruned in winter are susceptible to a disease called Eutypa dieback. The fungus enters the pruning wounds and infects the tree. The symptoms of Eutypa show up in late spring or summer. Trees ooze sap […]

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