Farmers Markets

Anne's Booth

Many women enjoy shopping, some even love it, as their license plate frames can attest. I was dragged from an early age by my mother to a store called “Lullaby Land” and forced to try on girlie dresses and shoes. While wearing said items, I could later be found outdoors making mud pies and getting in BIG trouble.

As an adult, the trend continues. I dread clothes shopping, shoe shopping and especially grocery shopping (I also accidentally ruin nice clothes and shoes when I suddenly find myself outdoors in the garden). I don’t mind purchasing birthday gifts cuz I plan ahead and already know what to purchase.

Farmers Market View

However, when it comes to shopping at farmers markets, I am in LOVE. I can grocery shop, buy gifts and get fabulous fresh produce all in one spot. Plus, most vendors give out free samples. Our farmers market managers in Stanislaus County are super nice folks, and have invited me out to have a booth, pretty much any time I want! We have a great market in front of the Vintage Fair mall (so you shopping lovers can have your cake and eat it too). I had a booth Sunday the 24th of July, and was pleasantly surprised by the cool breeze. Sitting outside during hot weather for hours can really wear you out, but it was the perfect day!

At my booth I had DVD’s and T-shirts which garnered some interest. So far I haven’t had any “fans” visit to purchase them, but I hope that will happen soon! I told folks the main stations to see my show are Comcast 195, Charter 14 and local 14. I met one family with three of the cutest kids. Apparently they don’t have cable, I thought that was great. In general, television rots your brain and kills creativity, and also eliminates time you could spend being creative or having fun with family and friends. Of course, documentaries and educational programming like Anne of Green Gardens help your brain cells grow. 🙂

Bug Boy

So many folks checked out my booth, and asked gardening questions and bug questions. Several kids told me they will now be entomologists (their mother did not look excited when I told the kids the best place to store bugs is in the freezer). I love seeing the interest in people’s eyes as they ask questions and look at the bugs. So many people are scared of bugs, but it’s because they don’t know enough about them. People often look relieved when I tell them most of the insects in my collection don’t bite or sting, (well okay, obviously I don’t mean “them” specifically since they are dead, but you know what I mean!!) and that most of them are beneficial to humans and the planet.

If you are reading this article, please click on the right and “friend” me on facebook so I can get an idea of how many people follow the page. Happy Summer!



1 Comment

  1. LOL on the freezer comment!

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